Women’s Health Questions You are Too Embarrassed to Ask!
We know we all have those embarrassing questions that we want answered, but don’t want to ask them! Dr. Shahim tackles topics from the first appointment through menopause. He will also discuss procedures such as Thermiva and Tempsure Vitalia. – Why do you believe that forming relationships with patients is a key part of good healthcare? […]
Endometriosis Awareness
If you have cramping or pelvic pain during your period that is so severe it affects your normal activities, you may have a common condition called endometriosis. It is estimated that up to 20 percent of American women of childbearing age suffer from endometriosis. Endometriosis occurs when the tissue that lines a woman’s uterus grows outside the uterus – […]
Travel Tips for Expectant Moms
It’s the time of year when travel planning starts to happen. Spring Break will be upon us before we know it, and if you’re an expectant mom, there may be some extra steps to take before your trip. Here are some guidelines to help you with your travel planning: Plan the timing of your travel […]
Women’s Health Questions You are Too Embarrassed to Ask
Watch Dr. Shahim discuss Women’s Health Questions You are Too Embarrassed to ask on Top Docs Podcast! Discussing everything from your first appointment through menopause, this podcast is guaranteed to have a topic for everyone! A few topics that will be covered are: When women come in after they’ve had a baby and they ask […]
New Year Health Goals
Looking back on the past year and thinking about what you might want to change, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by everything you want to improve. The key is to narrow your focus and pick one or two areas where you want to make a positive change. Smaller goals will help you stay motivated and […]
Cervical Cancer Awareness Month
January is Cervical Cancer Screening Month, and Manhattan Women‘s Health wants you to know that there’s a lot you can do to prevent cervical cancer. More than 11,000 women in the United States get cervical cancer each year. HPV (human papillomavirus) is a prevalent infection that spreads through sexual activity and causes almost all cervical cancer cases. About 79 million Americans […]